Poster Contest Projects

Tiverton MS, (Steve Schreiner Art Teacher) Burrillville MS (Natalie Bolino NJHS Advisor), Birchwood MS, Ricci MS (Jennifer Hoxie SAC) , Ricci MS (Jennifer Hoxie SAC), Davisville MS (Lisa Vinacco Health Teacher), McCourt MS (Sheila DiOrio Health Teacher & Carolyn Dooley Art Teacher), Wickford MS, (Alicia Skaggs Art Teacher)m Warwick Career & Tech (Jann Rogers-Gartner Graphic Arts Teacher) , No. Smithfield HS (James Fitzgerald Health Dept Chair), Ponaganset HS (Jillian Paolino Health Teacher) , No Kingstown HS (Janice Strain Art Teacher), Rogers HS (Barbara Wunderler Art Teacher), Block Island School (Victoria Carson Health Teacher), E. Providence HS (Daniel Cabral Health Teacher), Met School (Viv Acevedo, Jessica Rivera, Isabelle Sanchez, Amy Harmon all SW), Cole MS (Deb McMullen, Peter Dion, Brian Levesque all He/Pe Teachers)

Congratulations to the 2023-24 recipients of the RI Poster Contest Grants: North Smithfield HS, Rogers HS, North Kingstown HS, Central Falls HS, Mt Pleasant HS, East Providence HS, Ponaganset HS, Toll Gate HS, E-Cubed Academy, Burrillville HS, Wickford MS, Davisville MS, Tiverton MS, Winman MS, Cole MS

TIVERTON MS, Art Teacher Steven Schreiner

COLE MS, Health Teacher Deb McMullen

WICKFORD MS, Art Teacher Alicia Skaggs





EAST PROVIDENCE HS, Health Teacher Dan Cabral

CENTRAL FALLS HS, School Psychologist Maria DiNobile

MT. PLEASANT HS, School Social Worker Owen Muir & Art Teacher Carolyne Kellner

PONAGANSET HS, Health Teacher Jillian Paolino

Congratulations to the 2022-23 Recipients RI Poster Contest


Winman JH, Wickford MS, Tiverton MS, Nathanael Greene MS, Davisville MS, Bain MS, Monsignor Clarke School, and Cole MS; North Kingstown HS, and Lincoln HS

We are so proud of the quality of these projects!

BAIN MS, Art Teacher Lindsay Burrows “Students were excited to create artwork based on this topic and worked incredibly hard on their posters. They were excited to hang their posters around the school. Staff members were very complimentary about students’ artwork and thought it was a great campaign.“What does a healthy relationship look like?” was a very relevant topic to our students. They were excited to brainstorm ideas about preventing teen dating violence. Our Faculty and staff thought the posters were incredibly moving and important. During art class, students are allowed to talk to each other while they work and by creating these posters, many conversations about relationships emerged. Students had no problems coming up with ideas for what healthy relationships look like and ideas for their posters, however, they could give several examples of peers that were in unhealthy relationships.”

TIVERTON MS, Art Teacher Steven Schreiner   To view Pics click here

WICKFORD MS, Art Teacher Alicia Skaggs To view Pics click here

COLE MS, Health Teacher Deb McMullen “Our healthy relationship poster contest wins a huge success. We used a judging system of five points for first for first, second third fifth third two for fourth and one for fifth. Our judges were two middle school art teachers and high school health teachers. We also used the expertise of Miss Kelly Grennan Smith, who has been on the Lindsay Ann Burke memorial fund poster judging since it’s inception…..We had two $100. winners, two $50 winners and four $25. winners.”

MONSIGNOR CLARKE MS, Art Teacher Deanna Newton

Ms. Newton reported a successful contest, judged by Admin, with staff impressed by the symbolic images. Well done Msgr Clarke!!

DAVISVILLE MS, Health Teacher Lisa Vinacco The Healthy Relationships Poster Contest, both a contest and an assessment, was held at the end of the 8th grade unit on dating violence. 43 faculty members voted and chose the top 6 posters. Students were awarded $50. Amazon gift cards.

WINMAN MS, Health Teacher Ross Callen Health class students were excited to see their posters displayed in the Cafeteria. Their posters depicted the qualities of a healthy relationship. Several faculty and admin remarked that they liked the posters.

NORTH KINGSTOWN HS, Janice Strain Art Teacher & Julia Maguire, Health Teacher The project description commenced with advertising this contest to all of our students on our morning announcements that all students watch our ViewBoards with the help of COM 3 students. It is also advertised on our weekly newsletter, posters hung around the school and in the Art rooms, word of mouth, and from all art teachers and physical education teachers.The physical education department along with the help of Julie Maguire also helps to announce this contest in conjunction with their curriculum aligned with domestic abuse and their featured visiting speakers to their students enrolled in their classes.  Paper and supplies were provided to all those interested in entering. Advisory times, personal learning times, and Art Club were offered to all students who wanted to work on their poster in the Art room. First Place Winner: $250. prize; Second Place Winner: $100. prize, Third Place Winner: $50.