The following is offered only as a starting point for teaching this topic, and is by no means definitive. It should be adapted to each individual school district, community and state mandated health curriculum guidelines. In addition, communication skills, conflict resolution, anger management, and sexual harassment should be taught at the middle and high school levels as well.
Grades 7:
- Gender Stereotypes & Roles; role of the Media
- Types of Violence
Grade 8:
- Gender Stereotypes & Roles, role of the Media
- Types of Violence
- Define healthy relationships and unhealthy relationships (dating abuse)
- Statistics
- Warning Signs
- Introduction to Relationship Wheels
- (Date Rape and Date Rape Drugs)
Grade 9:
- Review Types of Violence and healthy vs. unhealthy relationships
- Relationship Wheels: Power & Control, Equality
- Dating Rights & Responsibilities
- Warning Signs – in greater detail
- Cycle of Abuse
- How to Get Help
- How to Help a Friend
- Keeping Safe
- Related topics: Communication Skills, Anger Management, Stress Management, & Conflict Resolution
Grade 10:
- Review of the above
- Introduction to Victimization: effects on the victims, including psychological effects
- Relationship of teen dating violence to increase in teen pregnancy, STD’s, depression,suicide, drug abuse
- Sexual assault
- Getting help & helping others: Do’s & Don’ts, Safety Plans, Community Resources
Grade 11:
- Review of basic dating violence facts
- Victimization in greater detail
- State Laws
- Safety Plans
- Sexual Assault
Grade 12:
- Review of basic dating violence facts
- Setting Boundaries
- Ending a Relationship; Dealing with a Breakup
- Safety Plans & Restraining Orders
- Discuss relationships in college & beyond
By: Ann Burke and Karen Murphy
Health Teachers